Adaptation Fintech Americas
The End of Digital Transformation and the Beginning of the Age of Infinite Adaptation
It’s no secret.
In recent years banks and companies around the world have spent trillions of dollars on Digital Transformation (DT) initiatives. Some have succeeded, many have failed, and others continue to invest even without clarity of DT intent. As productive as modernization efforts may seem, and as seductive as their promises, the concept of Digital Transformation carries two wrong assumptions. The first is that transformation is just about adopting new technologies. The second is that there is a final state, an after to the before.
Adaptation is the new watchword and task for organizations big and small. Harvard Business Review recently declared adaptability the "new competitive advantage," while EY made it clear that "150 C-Level executives found adaptability to be one of the five skills they felt they needed to be successful in the future."
Becoming adaptive demands understanding the true nature of adaptation and its implications to the financial industry, both at an organizational and personal level. A great first step is to download this exclusive whitepaper "The End of Digital Transformation and the Beginning of the Era of Infinite Adaptation". Written by Chris Colbert, the former Managing Director of the Harvard Innovation Labs and the Chairman of Fintech Americas, the whitepaper will reveal:
- What adaptation really means and its impact on the financial industry
- How Covid-19 pushed banks towards extreme adaptability
- Real examples of organizations that are adapting successfully
- How to build a more adaptable institution, step by step
- And much more!

Insights you cannot miss. Download now!
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